
Media Coverage of Social Movement responding to garbage Crisis in Lebanon

The demonstration which happened on August 29th, 2015 made a unique event in the Lebanese political life. There was a wide popular movement that gathered thousands of people from many Lebanese regions at downtown Beirut as a response of the call of civil society organizations.


This study aims at highlighting media (TV stations) coverage of that exceptional demonstration. The study answered the questions of how did TV stations cover that event? And how did the political and sectarian affiliation of media affect the coverage?

The live coverage for such demonstrations delivered the prompt picture from the event’s place to the audience and played a role in shedding light on points of views in the street and reflecting people’s opinions, feelings, their participation’s motives, aspirations and ambitions.  

Media institutions intended to host TV programs to highlight the current debate in the street with elite politicians and leaders. In these programs, media and the host play a significant role in governing the debate, choosing the topics of discussion and relevant guests; through this role media can shape the news and their orientation.

To read this study in Arabic, click here: