Media and Gender Monitoring of the 2023 Municipal Elections
This is the second report undertaken by Maharat and Madanyat and led in partnership with UN Women, to monitor and explore the perceptions of women political leaders and change makers in response to women's participation and violence against women in politics (VAWP) in the 2023 municipal elections.
During March 2023, three focus groups were undertaken with 16 women from Tripoli, 18 from Bekaa and 8 from Man, in addition to 30 in-person surveys that were filled in during and outside of the sessions.
Furthermore, analysis of social media content and social listening was conducted to monitor public discourse on women's participation in municipal elections and the extent to which it contained any kind of violence during the time period. The monitoring focused on 81 accounts of winning women candidates from the 2016 municipal elections, including nine women candidates who are active on their social media platforms.
91.3% of the women respondents who are active in the political field, including members of the municipal council, civil society representatives, public service employees, and aspiring municipal election candidates, agreed that there is violence against women in the political field, and the manifestations of violence against women in the political sphere varied, between social violence within the municipal council, violence on social media, and moral and psychological violence.
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