Launching of an Innovation Grant for the MENA
Maharat Foundation in collaboration with Free Press Unlimited (FPU), is launching an opportunity to apply for an innovation grant within a program called “Core Support for Independent Media in the Southern Neighborhood” with the support of the European Union.
Who can Apply:
1- Media start-ups; journalism incubators
2- Innovative media initiatives
3- non-profit and for-profit media organizations
4- Individual journalists (freelancers) and entrepreneurs, journalist collectives
Target countries
Algeria, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Syria
Maximum duration of the grant is seven months and aim to support projects that can advance new or scale up promising media innovation.
The selected candidates will benefit from support on design thinking methods and will be mentored by the regional partner (Maharat foundation) based on their needs and demands
Terms of submission and selection:
- Innovative (out of the box thinking, new alliances and partnership)
- Ability to commit and collaborate with project coordinators
- The ability to diversify sources and reach marginalized groups
Duration and budget:
Maximum duration of the grant is seven months, each grantee can receive an amount of maximum 20,000 Euro (Maximum of 70% will be funded, with the expectation that the remaining 30% of the total budget comes from other means)
3 projects per grant cycle will be selected
To Apply for the Grant:
Applications (proposal and budget) must be submitted in English or Arabic to
info@maharatfoundation.org using the attached templates to this call.
Note: The email sent must include in the Subject field “Innovation Grant”
Submission deadline is February 13
Applicants will be informed about the status of their grant request a maximum of one month after submission.
Below you will find the details of the grant in Arabic and English and the forms to be submitted, including the "proposal form, budget template and activity template".